Synchronized Skating Rules and Resources

U.S. Figure Skating utilizes the following marking guides in synchronized skating competition events.

Latest Updates & Clarifications:

2/19/25 - Domestic Q&A 1 was posted.

2/4/25 - ISU Q&A 3 was posted. 

General Information
ISU Communications, Regulations and Q&As

Domestic Q&A 1 (PDF, 2/19/25)

ISU Q&A 3 (PDF, 2/4/25)

ISU Q&A 2 (PDF, 12/3/24)

ISU Q&A 1 (PDF, 10/9/24)

ISU Communication #2639 - Synchronized Skating - Difficulty Groups of Elements, Features and Additional Features for 2024-25 (PDF, 5/28/24)
Note: This replaces ISU Communication 2563, effective July 1, 2024.

ISU Communication #2632 - Synchronized Skating - Marking Guides and Deductions for 2024-25 (PDF, 5/28/24)
Note: This replaces ISU Communication 2566, effective July 1, 2024.

ISU Communication #2554 - Synchronized Skating - Scale of Values for 2023-24 and 2024-25 (PDF, 6/2/23)
Note: This communication will remain in effect for the 2024-25 season.

2024 ISU Special Regulations for Synchronized Skating (PDF, 9/20/24)
Note: These regulations pertain to international competitions. For the U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook, please click here.

2024-25 ISU Referee's Handbook for Synchronized Skating (PDF, 8/24/24)
Note: This handbook pertains to international competitions. For referee information for U.S. Figure Skating Competitions, please click here.

Scale of Values and Deductions
Levels of Difficulty and Calling Specifications
Marking of GOEs and Program Components

Looking for other rule information? Access the Skating Rules and Resources main page here.