Leadership and Staff

The organizational structure of U.S. Figure Skating is built around a strong volunteer community and a dedicated staff of employees at U.S. Figure Skating Headquarters in Colorado Springs.

The leadership of the organization is centered on the Board of Directors, which consists of 15 voting members: president, five athlete directors, seven at-large directors and two independent directors. A vice president, secretary, and treasurer are elected by the voting members of the Board of Directors from among those persons (other than the president) who are serving as elected members of the Board of Directors at the time of the election of such officers.

The volunteer constituency formulates U.S. Figure Skating policy, and the staff works to carry out those policies and administer the day-to-day duties of the organization.

Board of Directors

Samuel Auxier was elected as President in May 2022 at Governing Council in Colorado Springs.

Beginning in 2023, all directors, except for the President and USOPC AAC representative serve a two-year term.  However, since this is the first year of a new Board of Directors structure, in order to establish that rotation, some directors will begin a two-year term and some will serve a one-year term. The President serves a four-year term, and the USOPC AAC Representative typically serves a four-year term, dependent upon election to that position.

Click here for honorary members and past presidents. 

Sam Auxier headshot
Samuel Auxier
President (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Amanda Evora Will headshot
Amanda Evora Will
Vice President & USOPC Athletes Advisory Council (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Headshot of an Indian woman smiling. She has shoulder length black hair and is wearing a white long sleeve shirt. Trees are behind her in the background
Pooja Kalyan
Athlete Director, Singles (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
felecia zhang headshot
Felicia Zhang
Athlete Director, Pairs (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Board of Directors - Athlete Leadership
Colin McManus headshot
Colin McManus
Athlete Director, Ice Dance (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Board of Directors - Athlete Leadership
Headshot of Jordan Alexander. She is a woman with shoulder length brown hair wearing a white top and a black blazer
Jordan Alexander
Athlete Director, Synchronized Skating (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Headshot of Tim Goebel. Tim is a man with a blonde buzz cut. He is wearing a grey suit jacket with a white shirt on underneath
Timothy Goebel
Director (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Headshot of a middle aged Caucasian woman smiling. She has short blonde hair and is wearing a grey shirt
Jennifer Hartley
Director (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Victoria Hildebrand headshot
Victoria Hildebrand
Treasurer & Director (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Kristina Lundgren headshot
Kristina Lundgren
Director (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Kimberley Moore headshot
Kimberley Moore
Secretary & Director (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Heather Paige headshot
Heather Paige
Director (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Kevin Rosenstein headshot
Kevin Rosenstein
Director (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Jackie Chang headshot
Jackie Chang
Independent Director (Ends May 2026)
Board of Directors
Matt Slatus headshot
Matt Slatus
Independent Director (Ends May 2025)
Board of Directors
Pilar Helm headshot
Pilar Helm
Group Coordinator, Administrative/Legal (Non-voting)
Board of Directors
Headshot of Rachael Naphtal. She is a woman with shoulder length brown hair wearing a blue top with a black sweater
Rachael Naphtal
Group Coordinator, Technical and Officials (Non-voting)
Board of Directors
Lauren O'Toole headshot
Lauren O'Toole
Group Coordinator, Athlete Services (Non-voting)
Board of Directors
Elise Preston headshot
Elise Preston
Group Coordinator, Membership Development (Non-voting)
Board of Directors
Troy Goldstein Photo
Troy Goldstein
ISU Representative (non-voting)
Board of Directors
Anne Cammett headshot
Anne Cammett
Past President (non-voting)
Board of Directors

Athlete Leadership

Athletes are at the core of U.S. Figure Skating’s mission and their involvement in the leadership of the organization is critical.

The Board of Directors, in addition to all committees, must be comprised of at least 33.3% athletes. As an athlete, this is not only your opportunity to “give back,” it is an opportunity to have a voice in the direction and experience of athletes who follow in your footsteps. It is also an opportunity to continue being a part of the skating community for years after you leave the ice as a competitor.

For more information about athlete leadership, please view the U.S. Figure Skating Athlete Leadership Handbook here. A directory of leadership can be found on Members Only here.


U.S. Figure Skating is comprised of 26 permanent committees, organized into five committee groups.  Each committee has a specific role to play in supporting the organization is carrying out its mission. The responsibilities of each committee, by group, are detailed in the U.S. Figure Skating Committee Handbook.

The committees oversee, interpret and adjust rules under their jurisdiction to ensure that their part of the sport is relevant, current and in support of where we want to go.  Committees evaluate, develop and implement programs to support members in their areas. Committees partner with staff liaisons and assigned departments at U.S. Figure Skating headquarters to ensure that their mission, programs, roles, etc., are carried out effectively throughout the organization.

Committee chairs are responsible for thoroughly understanding their area, understanding the Strategic Plan, and leading their members in supporting these areas.  Each committee is represented by a Group Coordinator on the Board of Directors. 

For more information about U.S. Figure Skating Committees, please view the U.S. Figure Skating Committee Handbook here. A directory of leadership can be found on Members Only here.

Headquarters Staff

Since 1979, U.S. Figure Skating's headquarters and staff have been based in Colorado Springs. The organization has added key personnel in the area of Athlete High Performance, Athlete Safety and has increased the organization’s internal capabilities in the areas of information technology and event management.

Headquarters staff is listed in alphabetical order by last name. Click on name for email address.

A headshot of an African American woman smiling. She is wearing a black shirt with her hair in a bun
Gabrielle Alleyne
Coordinator, Partnership Marketing & Community Relations
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of Tara Card. Tara is a young white woman with long brown hair. She is wearing a blue collared shirt and smiling.
Tara Card
Coordinator, Events
Headquarters Staff
Katie Cope headshot
Katie Cope
Coordinator, Member Services
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of a Caucasian man smiling. He is bald and is wearing a navy blue shirt
Justin Dillon
Senior Director, Athlete High Performance
Ice Dance
National Development Team
Team USA
Pairs Development & Technical
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of a Caucasian man. He has short blonde hair and is wearing a blue collared shirt with a black blazer
Bob Dunlop
Senior Director, Events
Headquarters Staff
U.S. Figure Skating logo
Eric Fehr
Chief Financial Officer
Headquarters Staff
Kyleigh Gaff
Kyleigh Gaff
Director, High Performance Operations
Learn to Skate USA Synchro
Synchronized - Overview
Headquarters Staff
U.S. Figure Skating logo
Terri Herron
Senior Manager, National Camps & Special Events
Headquarters Staff
Robert Keene headshot
Robert Keene
Director, US Technology
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of a Caucasian woman smiling. She has long brown hair and is wearing a black shirt
Casey Mallory
Manager, Skating Programs
Showcase - Overview
Solo Dance - Overview
Solo Dance Rules and Resources
Theatre on Ice
Adult Skating
Excel - Overview
Headquarters Staff
Gretchen Mohney headshot
Gretchen Mohney
Director, High Performance Medical & Performance Services
Sports Medicine and Science
Headquarters Staff
Juliet Newcomer headshot
Juliet Newcomer
Director, Governance & Sport Services
Music & Announcing
Officials - Judges
Officials - Referees
Tech Panel
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of a Caucasian woman smiling. She has light brown hair and she is wearing a black turtleneck with a dainty necklace.
Chloe Roberts
Manager, School Programs
Collegiate - Series Info
High School
High School - R&R
Collegiate Synchronized
Graduating Seniors
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of a Caucasian woman smiling. She has long brown hair and is wearing a black shirt
Megan Romeo
Director, Events
Headquarters Staff
U.S. Figure Skating logo
Liz Saxon
Head of Athlete Relations
Headquarters Staff
Headshot og \\f Troy Schwindt. He is an older Caucasian man with grey hair. He is wearing a burnt orange quarter-zip jacket with a white tshirt on underneath
Troy Schwindt
Director, Publications; Editor, SKATING
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of Heidi Thibert. She is a middle aged white woman with short blonde hair. She is wearing a blue collared shirt and a beaded necklace
Heidi Thibert
Director, Coach Development & Education
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of Sarah Tyler. She is a Caucasian woman with long brown hair. She is wearing a tan colored turtleneck and glasses
Sarah Tyler
Manager, Digital Marketing
Headquarters Staff
Kelly Vogtner headshot
Kelly Vogtner
Senior Director, Sport Development & Strategy
Team USA
Headquarters Staff
U.S. Figure Skating logo
Tom Wehrle
Video Production Specialist
Headquarters Staff
Headshot of a Caucasian woman smiling. She has long brown hair and is wearing a grey shirt.
Annie White
Senior Director, Marketing & Sales
Headquarters Staff