Officiate - Announcers

This page provides information on becoming an announcer for U.S. Figure Skating.

Announcers are responsible for announcing competitors before they perform at a competition. Announcers might also be asked to announce scores, names of officials and other general competition information as necessary.

As the voice of an event, announcers need to be able to work as part of a team and have the ability to communicate effectively with competition hosts, referees and other officials. 

Volunteers can serve as announcers at nonqualifying, regional and sectional competitions and the U.S. Collegiate Championships without being certified as an official U.S. Figure Skating announcer. Volunteer announcers are also needed at test sessions and other qualifying and international competitions to help with practice ice.

If you're interested in getting certified as an announcer and/or volunteering for your local club(s), begin by contacting clubs and competitions in your area to let them know of your interest. 

WHO can become an announcer?

  • Anyone (including active competitors) willing and able to uphold the ethical standards of U.S. Figure Skating can become an official. A good official is passionate about our sport, committed, responsible, and open to continuous learning and growth to support U.S. Figure Skating in serving our athletes. You must be at least 18 years old and fully compliant (background check, U.S. Figure Skating member, and SafeSport training) before you can serve as an official. Announcers are the voice of this sport and have a front row seat at competitions. This role is a great way to get involved and give back to the sport even if you don’t have a skating background.

HOW can I become an announcer?

  • Keep a record each time you help, including the event name, date(s), local organizing committee (LOC) chair, chief announcer or chief referee, and the type of activity you helped with announcing – i.e. test session, exhibition or competition.
  • Once you have gained experience announcing as a volunteer (and LOVE it!), you are ready to gather the elements to submit an application for consideration to earn your first appointment.
  • Announcing:  application, three letters of recommendation from officials at the sectional level or higher (these can be referees, judges, music coordinators or other announcing officials), and two to three audio files or clips of your voice at one of the skating events where you have announced

WHEN can I become an announcer?

  • Skating will always be around, and U.S. Figure Skating will always need officials.  You will have to decide when you have time and ability to prepare and fulfill the required activity for your desired appointment(s). You can volunteer as an announcer without an appointment at the nonqualifying level. You can get started right away!

WHERE can I become an announcer?

  • Reach out to your local clubs for volunteer opportunities to announce at their next event or test session. You don’t have to travel far to get experience and get an appointment.

WHY should I become an announcer?

  • Great question!  Each person’s why is a little different, but it is an honor and a privilege to serve as a U.S. Figure Skating official at any level. You get an opportunity to contribute to a sport you love while building long-lasting relationships with a community of your peers who share a similar passion. Whether your role is with your local club or as a national official, there is a place for you as a U.S. Figure Skating official.

Reserve your spot for some of the best seats in the house! 

Ready to start? Complete the interest form to get registered.

View the guidelines to become an announcer here.

For a printer-friend version of this information, click here.

Your contacts for this area of interest

U.S. Figure Skating logo
Farah Jimenez
Vice Chair of Recruitment, Announcers and Music Officials