Officiate - Accountants

This page provides information on becoming an accounting official for U.S. Figure Skating.

The accountant's role begins weeks, sometimes months, before a competition. Working with the Local Organizing Committee and chief referee, accountants are responsible for preparing the paperwork that communicates the following information:

  1. When each event of a competition will begin
  2. Where it will be held
  3. Which skaters will be in each event
  4. In what order they will skate 

Accountants are also responsible for providing the judges, referees and technical panel officials with documents for recording their decisions. Finally, the accountants are responsible for ensuring that the scoring software is set up properly, the scores are entered accurately and the results are calculated correctly.

Technical accountants are a subset of accountants who specialize in the setup and operation of the rinkside computer equipment utilized for automated scoring under the International Judging System (IJS).

WHO can become an accountant?

  • Anyone (including active competitors) willing and able to uphold the ethical standards of U.S. Figure Skating can become an accountant. Accountants are passionate about our sport, give their time before and after competitions and onsite during events. Accountants create and organize paperwork ahead of time, and they calculate and report results during the events. Accountants strive to continuously learn and support U.S. Figure Skating and serve our athletes. You must be at least 18 years old and a fully compliant official before you can apply for your first appointment. You may apply to be an apprentice accountant at 16 to start your accounting journey.

WHAT levels of accountants are there?

  • Apprentice Accountant
  • Certified 6.0 Accountant
  • Qualifying Accountant
  • Sectional Accountant
  • National Accountant
  • Technical Accountants (accountants who are responsible for IJS scoring rink side)

HOW can I become an accountant?

  • First, you must become SkateSafe® compliant. You can then volunteer at least once in an accounting room at a competition to experience the process. Next, apply to be an apprentice. You may choose an accounting mentor who will help guide you, or one will be assigned to you.  Being an accountant is being a part of a team, and you will have support in the accounting room to reach your first appointment.

WHERE can I begin the necessary experience for an accounting appointment?

  • Learn to Skate USA® events, nonqualifying and National Qualifying Series (NQS) competitions are a great start. Reach out to your local clubs that hold events. Ask the local organizing committee (LOC) if you may volunteer in the accounting room. If you cannot locate a competition, we can help you find one!

WHEN can I become an accountant?

  • Skating will always be around, and U.S. Figure Skating will always need officials! You have to decide when you have the time and ability to prepare and fulfill the required activity for your desired appointment(s). Educational opportunities in accounting are offered via training modules, virtual and in-person schools (if time and location allows) every year.

WHY should I become an official?

  • This is the most important question! Everyone’s “why” is a little different, but it is an honor and a privilege to serve as a U.S. Figure Skating official You get the opportunity to be involved and give back to a sport you love while building long-lasting relationships with a community of your peers who share a similar passion. Whether your role is with your local clubs or as a national official, there is a place for you as a U.S. Figure Skating official.

Reserve your spot for some of the best seats in the house! 

Ready to start? Complete the interest form to get registered.

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Your contacts for this area of interest

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Christopher Brunner
Vice Chair of Recruitment, Accountants