Above: Photo Courtesy of the Line Creek FSC
By Joanne Vassallo Jamrosz
A sea of purple people eaters. Skaters share the ice with their favorite teddy bears and dress like their favorite teddy bear characters.
These fun activities were part of the Line Creek Figure Skating Club’s recent Social Skate, a monthly event emphasizing “having fun.”
The Kansas City, Missouri club skates at the Line Creek Community Center. Their regular club activities include a fall competition and an affiliation with the KC Illusion Synchronized Skating Teams. They also host a holiday and spring show each year.
The Social Skate was recently added to bring back a little fun and socializing within the club.
“During COVID, the club had to cut back on opportunities for skaters to socialize,” Club President Sarah Miller said. “We felt we had lost some of the club’s fun. To give skaters a chance to skate together and have fun on the ice, we’re encouraging our club members to come to designated public sessions where we’ll have giveaways, and they’ll see other skaters they know.”
The Social Skate agenda is a simple one. Each month a theme is picked. Once at the event, everyone gathers for a group picture. Treat bags are also available for the skaters, and prizes are awarded for the most spirit.
“We keep the agenda loose and encourage skaters to have fun on the ice,” Miller said. “Most importantly, they just have fun and skate together.”
For September’s theme, the club tapped into National Teddy Bear Day.
“We encouraged skaters to bring a teddy bear, dress like a teddy bear or any other teddy bear connection that might be fun,” Miller said.
Their most recent October skate featured purple as their theme and the upcoming Halloween holiday.
“For the purple people eater, Social Skate skaters could dress in spooky costumes or pile on the purple. However they wanted to play it,” Miller said.
Since the event is held during public skating, there is also the opportunity to introduce the Line Creek Figure Skating Club to the public and perhaps a chance for interested public skaters to learn a little more about the club and its programs.
The Social Skate also allows club members to skate, have fun with other members they don’t know and meet new members.
“For those who attend, they get a chance to meet the new members,” Miller said. “For those who aren’t in the club, this event is good exposure for the club. It lets them see our skaters’ camaraderie and sense of belonging.”
The Social Skate has been popular so far, and the club hopes to continue this fun monthly-themed event throughout its season.
For Miller, watching the skaters just skating and having fun brings a nice change from regularly scheduled club sessions and private lessons.
“As club president, I spend so much time at the rink watching the skaters practice their programs and work on technique,” Miller said. “It’s really fun to see them have time to blow off steam, hang out with their friends and get back to the basics on why they love to skate.”