Letter from the CEO

Athletes First. Two bold words that are the driving mission of U.S. Figure Skating.

After a defining first century, we are embarking on a transformative change across the organization and the entire sport. This change is being led by athletes who have shared tangible solutions and positive ideas as to how U.S. Figure Skating will better support them and grow the sport. Their voices and real-world experiences also compel us to do more to protect them from the myriad of abuses athletes can face, up to and including sexual abuse. 

Tracy Marek, U.S. Figure Skating CEO headshot
Tracy Marek, U.S. Figure Skating CEO

Athletes First. Two bold words that are the driving mission of U.S. Figure Skating.

After a defining first century, we are embarking on a transformative change across the organization and the entire sport. This change is being led by athletes who have shared tangible solutions and positive ideas as to how U.S. Figure Skating will better support them and grow the sport. Their voices and real-world experiences also compel us to do more to protect them from the myriad of abuses athletes can face, up to and including sexual abuse. 

Since 2000, U.S. Figure Skating has been a leader in the adoption and implementation of SafeSport, pre-dating the creation of the U.S. Center for SafeSport. We believe and support survivors of abuse, painfully knowing they carry this trauma their entire lives. We have invested in a dedicated SkateSafe® staff to advocate for athletes, train our membership and encourage all to report suspected or known abuse.

But, as our athletes tell us, we can do more. 

Recognizing this need, the Board of Directors embarked on this mission of transformative change in 2022 and made it the cornerstone of its CEO search. As that new CEO, I am committed to this mission and, since entering this role in January, have spent numerous hours listening to all levels of athletes. Their directive is clear: create change and move U.S. Figure Skating forward.

While much is in the works, I can share several steps we are taking:

  • Convening a revolutionary Athletes Commission to elevate their voices and participation beyond the governance role of the existing Athletes Advisory Committee.
  • Integrating the coaches’ program under the U.S. Figure Skating umbrella to establish consistent standards for certification, education, training and SafeSport reporting of more than 5,000 coaches. 
  • Creation of an Athlete Advocate staff position that will actively integrate the athlete voice into our decision making and put in place the processes and infrastructure to achieve real transformation.

In my short time as CEO, I have learned so much from speaking with athletes, volunteers, coaches, officials and fans. I’m energized by the tremendous sense of community, passion and desire to grow the sport and its fanbase. 

As we take these next steps toward our bold and exciting future, I look forward to connecting with you. Please reach out to me or a member of our staff at memberservices@usfigureskating.org.

But first, as one athlete said to me, we must “get better faster.” That mission is one we can all embrace. 


Tracy Marek signature


Tracy Marek