Ice Dance Rules and Resources

U.S. Figure Skating utilizes the following marking guides in partnered ice dance competition events.

Latest Updates & Clarifications:

2/28/25 - The 2025-26 Key Points for Juvenile and Intermediate Partnered Ice Dance were posted. These will go into effect May 20, 2025.

ISU Communications and Q&As

ISU Communication #2647 - Ice Dance - Scale of Values 2024-25 (PDF, update 9/4/24 by ISU)

ISU Communication #2646 - Ice Dance - Calling Specifications & Levels of Difficulty 2024-25 (PDF, updated 8/23/24 by ISU)

ISU Communication #2630 - Ice Dance - Requirements for Technical Rules & Marking Guides 2024-25 (PDF, updated 8/23/24 by ISU)

How Should the Referee Check the Duration of a Lift (PDF, 7/25/19)

Scale of Values and Deductions
Key Points and Calling Clarifications
  • ISU Technical Panel Handbook - Ice Dance (PDF, 9/5/23)
    Note: This document has been prepared for ISU technical panels for all international events, and U.S. Figure Skating technical panels will follow it for its events. Any further ISU changes to these documents will be posted on this web site.
Marking of GOEs and Program Components

Looking for other rule information? Access the Skating Rules and Resources main page here.