
All grievance and disciplinary proceedings are filed and resolved pursuant to the procedures outlined in Articles XXI and XXV of the U.S. Figure Skating bylaws and in the Grievance Committee and Ethics Committee rules. The Grievance Committee is responsible for administering the various grievance and hearing processes provided under the U.S. Figure Skating bylaws and rules, to provide standard hearing and complaint procedures for the prompt and equitable resolution of grievances of U.S. Figure Skating members, and to cause to be published certain information about a grievance once it is final.


All grievance and disciplinary proceedings are filed and resolved pursuant to the procedures outlined in Articles XXI and XXV of the U.S. Figure Skating bylaws and in the Grievance Committee and Ethics Committee rules. The Grievance Committee is responsible for administering the various grievance and hearing processes provided under the U.S. Figure Skating bylaws and rules, to provide standard hearing and complaint procedures for the prompt and equitable resolution of grievances of U.S. Figure Skating members, and to cause to be published certain information about a grievance once it is final.

Persons Banned or Suspended From U.S. Figure Skating Membership

Grievance Publication Pursuant to GCR 9.03

Effective September 1, 2001, a rule was put into place requiring publication in SKATING magazine of actions taken by hearing panels. The following persons have been disciplined under U.S. Figure Skating bylaw Article XXI or XXV and have been suspended or banned from U.S. Figure Skating membership. These persons should not be credentialed, nor permitted to participate in any U.S. Figure Skating sponsored or sanctioned activity including but not limited to participating in qualifying or nonqualifying competitions, tests, ice shows and exhibitions. NOTE: In 2005 U.S. Figure Skating also adopted the practice of publishing these actions on

Any other measures taken by the U.S. Center for SafeSport that do not involve suspension or ineligibility in U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned activities may be found at

If you would like more information about the grievance process, please contact the Grievance Committee liaison at U.S. Figure Skating Headquarters at 719.635.5200 or via email at

Persons Suspended Pending Final Hearing Panel or U.S. Center for SafeSport Determination

Considering the nature of the charges and information provided with either the Grievance Statement or action taken by the U.S. Center for SafeSport, in accordance with the authority provided to the U.S. Figure Skating Ethics Committee Rule (ECR) 3.04 and pending a hearing contemplated by Article XXV, Section 1(B), or an action of the U.S. Center for SafeSport (Article XXV, Section 2) of the U.S. Figure Skating Bylaws, effective as of the date shown, membership in U.S. Figure Skating is suspended.

Jeffrey Chen

On February 18, 2025, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding Jeffrey Chen:

Sanction: Temporary Suspension. Beginning on February 18, 2025, Jeffrey Chen is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center temporarily suspending Jeffrey Chen effective February 18, 2025.

Ivan Desyatov

On October 18, 2024, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding Ivan Desyatov:

Sanction: Temporary Suspension. Beginning on October 18, 2024, Ivan Desyatov is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center temporarily suspending Ivan Desyatov effective October 18, 2024.

Uladzislau “Vlad” Palkhouski

On August 23, 2023, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding Uladzislau “Vlad” Palkhouski:

Sanction: Temporary Suspension. Beginning on August 23, 2023, Uladzislau “Vlad” Palkhouski is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center temporarily suspending Uladzislau “Vlad” Palkhouski effective August 23, 2023.

Christopher Young

On May 17, 2022 the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding Christopher Young:

Sanction: Temporary Suspension. Beginning on May 17, 2022, Christopher Young is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center temporarily suspending Christopher Young effective May 17, 2022.

Persons Declared Ineligible as Determined by The U.S. Center for SafeSport

Dane Ayers

On July 9, 2020 the U.S. Center for SafeSport temporarily suspended Dane Ayers.  On September 2, 2020, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member Dane Ayers:

Sanction: Ineligible,  Until further notice, beginning on September 2, 2020, Dane Ayers is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, any High Performance Management Organization (HPMO), or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Dane Ayers  Ineligible effective September 2, 2020.

Andrei Berekhovski

On July 11, 2019, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding Andrei Berekhovski:

Sanction: IneligibleUntil further notice, beginning on July 11, 2019, Respondent Andrei Berekhovski is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, including U.S. Figure Skating, and/or a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic Committee.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Andrei Berekhovski Ineligible effective July 11, 2019.

William Coyle

On July 20, 2021, U.S. Figure Skating adopted the measure issued by the U.S. Center for SafeSport temporarily suspending the membership of William Coyle. On August 13, 2021, the U.S. Center for SafeSport modified the sanction to the following: 

Sanction: Ineligible. Until further notice, beginning on August 13, 2021, William Coyle is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same. 

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding William Coyle Ineligible effective August 13, 2021.

Shawn Do

On March 20, 2023, U.S. Figure Skating adopted the measure issued by the U.S. Center for SafeSport temporarily suspending the membership of Shawn Do. On October 17, 2023, the U.S. Center for SafeSport modified the sanction to the following:

Sanction: Ineligible. Until further notice, beginning on October 17, 2023, Shawn Do is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Shawn Do Ineligible effective October 17, 2023.

Brendan Kerry

On May 14, 2024, U.S. Figure Skating adopted the following Sanction issued by the U.S. Center for SafeSport:

Sanction: Permanent Ineligibility. Beginning on May 14, 2024, Brendan Kerry is permanently prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Brendan Kerry Ineligible effective May 14, 2024.

Janusz McKinnon

On October 15, 2021, U.S. Figure Skating suspended the membership of Janusz McKinnon. On October 19, 2021, the U.S. Center for SafeSport temporarily suspended the membership of Janusz McKinnon. On August 17, 2022 the U.S. Center for SafeSport modified the sanction to the following:  

Sanction: Permanent Ineligibility. Beginning on August 17, 2022, Janusz McKinnon is permanently prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Janusz McKinnon permanently ineligible effective August 17, 2022.

Jessica McMillan

On November 5, 2021 U.S. Figure Skating suspended the membership of Jessica McMillan. On December 13, 2021 the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member Jessica McMillan:  

Sanction: Ineligible, Until further notice, beginning on December 13, 2021, Respondent Jessica McMillan is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same. 

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Jessica McMillan Ineligible effective December 13, 2021.


Steven Pottenger

On July 12, 2024, U.S. Figure Skating adopted measures issued by the U.S. Center for SafeSport temporarily suspending the membership of Steven Pottenger. On January 22, 2025, the U.S. Center for SafeSport modified the sanction to the following:

Sanction: Ineligible. Until further notice, beginning on January 22, 2025, Steven Pottenger is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Steven Pottenger Ineligible effective January 22, 2025.

Dalilah Sappenfield

On May 29, 2024, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding Dalilah Sappenfield:

Sanction: Permanent Ineligibility. Beginning on May 29, 2024, Dalilah Sappenfield is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), the National Governing Bodies recognized by the USOPC, a Local Affiliated Organization as defined by the Code, or at a facility under the jurisdiction of the same.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Dalilah Sappenfield Ineligible effective May 29, 2024.

Jonathan Schmidt

On August 22, 2019, U.S. Figure Skating suspended the membership of Jonathan Schmidt.  On September 17, 2019, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member Jonathan Schmidt:

Sanction: IneligibleUntil further notice, beginning on September 17, 2019, Respondent Jonathan Schmidt is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, including U.S. Figure Skating and/or a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic Committee.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Jonathan Schmidt’s membership Ineligible effective September 17, 2019.

Matthew Shepard

On December 4, 2019, U.S. Figure Skating suspended the membership of Matthew Shepard. On January 15, 2020, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member Matthew Shepard: 

Sanction: Ineligible, Until further notice, beginning on January 15, 2020, Respondent Matthew Shepard is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee, and/or a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee.

Pursuant to U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby adopts the Sanction imposed by the Center finding Matthew Shepard’s membership ineligible effective January 15, 2020. 

Persons Permanently Banned From U.S. Figure Skating

Seth Chafetz

On October 15, 2013 the Professional Skaters Association (PSA) filed a Grievance against Mr. Seth Chafetz, alleging violations of the PSA Code of Ethics #5, #6 and #7. A PSA Hearing Panel denied his Application for Reinstatement to membership in the PSA and determined that the suspension would remain in effect until the completion of a court-ordered probation sentence. Pursuant to the rules of U.S. Figure Skating, GCR 10.00 et seq., Seth Chafetz's membership in U.S. Figure Skating was suspended until such time as the PSA provided notice that his suspension has been modified.

At the U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned Van Camp Invitational Competition in Lansing, MI, from March 16 -18, Seth Chafetz was observed placing a competitor on the ice and attending their critique. This was a violation of the PSA Code of Ethics Rule #8, and as a result of that violation the PSA voted for permanent expulsion of his membership to the Association. Pursuant to the rules of U.S. Figure Skating, GCR 10.00 et seq., Seth Chafetz is permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

Christy de la Mora

On December 7, 2017, the Texas Gulf Coast Figure Skating Club, by and through Michelle L. Ross, President of the Club, filed a Grievance Statement against Christy de la Mora, alleging a violation of GR 1.01 and GR 1.02 of the General Rules of U.S. Figure Skating as well as violations of the Texas Gulf Coast FSC Bylaws and Rules, Article VI, Section 2 and Section 4.  A Reply to the Grievance Statement was filed by Respondent Christy de la Mora on February 12, 2018.  A large number of documents were submitted as evidence.  The case was consolidated for hearing with the case of Texas Gulf Coast Figure Skating Club v. Val Prudsky.  A Hearing Panel was subsequently appointed.  On April 9, 2018, a Consolidated Grievance Hearing took place via telephone conference call. 

On April 19, 2018, in a written Statement of Decision, the Hearing Panel unanimously found that Ms. de la Mora was in violation of the Texas Gulf Coast Figure Skating Club Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2(d), U.S. Figure Skating GR 1.01 and GR 1.02, resulting in a lifetime ban from U.S. Figure Skating. 

On May 4, 2018, a Notice of Appeal was filed on behalf of the Respondent.  On June 4, 2018, a Statement of Decision was filed by the Appellate Hearing Panel.  The Appellate Hearing Panel, in a unanimous decision, affirmed the Decision of the Hearing Panel and sustained the lifetime ban of Respondent from membership in U.S. Figure Skating

David Delago

On June 1, 2018, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member David Delago which modified the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s initial Suspension issued January 31, 2018:
Sanction: Permanent Ineligibility. Beginning on June 1, 2018, Responding Party David Delago is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, and/or a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic Committee.
Pursuant to Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby permanently bans the membership of David Delago, beginning on June 1, 2018. 

Tonya Harding - lifetime ban effective 1994. Ban occurred prior to the publication requirement.

Eugene Heffron:

On October 11, 2018, the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member Eugene Heffron which modified the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s initial Suspension issued March 21, 2018:
Sanction: Permanent Ineligibility.  Beginning on October 11, 2018, Responding Party Eugene Heffron is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, and/or a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic Committee.
Pursuant to Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby permanently bans the membership of Eugene Heffron, beginning on October 11, 2018.  

Thomas Incantalupo

On January 12, 2018, U.S. Figure Skating suspended the membership of Thomas Incantalupo. On January 31, 2018 the U.S. Center for SafeSport issued the following Sanction regarding U.S. Figure Skating member Thomas Incantalupo:
Sanction:  Permanent Ineligibility, beginning on January 24, 2018, Responding Party Tom Incantalupo is prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any activity or competition authorized by, organized by, or under the auspices of the United States Olympic Committee, the national governing bodies recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, and/or a Local Affiliated Organization of a national governing body recognized by the United States Olympic Committee.
Pursuant to Article XXV, Section 2, U.S. Figure Skating hereby permanently bans the membership of Thomas Incantalupo, beginning on January 24, 2018. 

Tawna Klopf
On September 3, 2021, the Southgate Figure Skating Club, by its President, submitted a Grievance Statement against Tawna Klopf, alleging violations of GR 1.01(A) (Code of Ethics) and Southgate Figure Skating Club bylaws IV.D (Duties of Executive BOD) & V.F (General Expectations of BOD). On September 27, 2021, the Grievance Chair served notice of the Grievance Statement via email. On October 11, 2021, the Grievance Chair served notice of the Grievance Statement to Ms. Klopf by certified and first class mail and requested a written response within 30 days of receipt of notice. Tawna Klopf did not respond to the Grievance Statement. Under GCR 3.03(B), the Respondent’s failure to file a response constitutes an admission of the allegations made against her and waived her right to a hearing or an appeal. After such admission of violations of GR 1.01(A) (Code of Ethics) and Southgate Figure Skating Club bylaws IV.D (Duties of Executive BOD) & V.F (General Expectations of BOD), the Grievance Chair found a violation of the General Rules of U.S. Figure Skating and recommended appropriate relief to the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors and sought their agreement. At its regularly scheduled meeting held on December 6, 2021, the Board of Directors concurred in the findings and recommended relief against Ms. Klopf, which relief is now final, binding and may not be appealed. Accordingly, Tawna Klopf is permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

David Loncar
In December of 2010 a grievance was filed by U.S. Figure Skating against David Loncar alleging violations of GR1.01, GR1.02 and GR1.04. U.S. Figure Skating suspended his membership at that time. This filing was made per U.S. Figure Skating bylaw XXIV (3) (b) and rules ECR 2.02 and ECR 3.00. A similar grievance was also filed by PSA. Pursuant to GCR 3.02 (E), these grievances were joined.
In December of 2010, Loncar was arrested by the Richmond (Virginia) Police Dept. on multiple charges. He was released with charges pending. In January 2010 Loncar pleaded guilty to two drug charges. The charges were reduced to misdemeanors and a suspended sentence was given. In January of 2012 Loncar was charged with 15 felony counts. On April 3, 2012 Loncar pled guilty to all 15 charges. Loncar was sentenced on August 1, 2012.

Loncar did not respond to the allegations within thirty (30) days as provided for in ECR 3.08. ECR 3.08 (B) provides that such failure is deemed an admission of the allegations made by the grievant. ECR 3.08 further provides that under such circumstances, Loncar waived his right to a hearing or appeal and that the chair of the Grievance Committee has, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors and PSA, determined that Loncar violated GR 1.01, GR 1.02 and GR 1.04 based on his court actions and deemed admissions and is, therefore, permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating and the PSA.

Marc Mandina
In December of 2010, a grievance was filed by U.S. Figure Skating against Marc Mandina alleging violations of GR 1.02 and GR 1.04. A felony warrant was issued for Mandina citing violation of California Penal Code 311.11 (A). This filing was made per U.S. Figure Skating bylaw XXIV (3) (b) and rules ECR 2.02 and ECR 3.00. A similar grievance was also filed by PSA. Pursuant to GCR 3.02 (E), these grievances were joined. In June of 2011 Mr. Mandina made a plea agreement with the State of California. Since that time he has violated the agreement. Mr. Mandina did not respond to the allegations within thirty (30) days as provided for in ECR 3.08. ECR 3.08 (B) provides that such failure is deemed an admission of the allegations made by the grievant. ECR 3.08 further provides that under such circumstances, Mr. Mandina waived his right to a hearing or an appeal and that the Chair of the Grievance Committee will, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, impose appropriate discipline. The Chair of the Grievance Committee, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors and PSA, determined that Mr. Mandina violated GR 1.02 and GR 1.04 based on his court actions and deemed admissions and is, therefore, permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating and the PSA.

Gordon McKellen - lifetime ban effective July 2001.

Jacqueline Mero - lifetime ban effective June 2003.

Joseph Mero
A disciplinary action was initiated by U.S. Figure Skating against Joseph Mero, alleging violations of the U.S. Figure Skating Code of Ethics, General Rules GR 1.01, GR 1.02, GR 1.03, GR 1.04, and the U.S. Figure Skating Policy Statement on Harassment and Abuse. The Professional Skaters Association was notified of these allegations. Upon review, it was determined that the matter would proceed as a combined U.S. FIGURE SKATING/PSA grievance pursuant to U.S. FIGURE SKATING GCR 3.02(E). In accordance with U.S. FIGURE SKATING Rules, a hearing panel was appointed and a disciplinary hearing was conducted in which Mr. Mero was given the opportunity to participate. The hearing panel made factual findings and concluded that Mr. Mero violated the U.S. FIGURE SKATING Code of Ethics, U.S. FIGURE SKATING General Rules GR 1.01, GR 1.02, GR 1.03, GR 1.04, U.S. FIGURE SKATING Policy Statement on Harassment and Abuse, and PSA Code of Ethics Nos. 4, 5, and 7, and Tenets of Professionalism 5 and 10. The hearing panel ruled that Mr. Mero is expelled from membership in U.S. Figure Skating and the PSA and that he is banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating and the PSA for life. No appeal was filed. The hearing panel's decision is now final.

Suzette Navarro
On July 8, 2016, U.S. Figure Skating received a Grievance Statement filed by Sallie Crowell on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Highland Skating Club and against Suzette Navarro aka Navaro. The Grievance Statement alleges a violation of GR 1.01(B) and GR 1.02(A), as well as the Highland Skating Club Bylaws, Section V (6).

The Grievance Statement was sent to Suzette Navarro via certified mail, return receipt requested and via e-mail, and no Response to the Grievance Statement was filed. Pursuant to GCR 3.03(B), a failure to file a Response constitutes an admission of the allegations made by the Grievant and waives the Respondent’s right to a hearing or appeal. The Chair of the Grievance Committee recommended appropriate relief to the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors and sought their agreement.

The Chair of the Grievance Committee, with the concurrence of the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors, found a violation of the General Rules of U.S. Figure Skating and the Bylaws of the Highland Skating Club. Based upon these findings, Suzette Navarro aka Navaro is permanently banned from Membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

Kasandra (Catherine) Niemeier
On December 12, 2019 the Greater Evansville Figure Skating Club of Evansville, Indiana submitted a Grievance Statement against Kasandra (Catherine) Niemeier (Respondent), alleging violations of  GR 1.01(A) (Code of Ethics) and the Greater Evansville Figure Skating Club bylaws Art. 2, Paragraph 2 (Mission Statement). On December 19, 2019, the former Grievance Chair notified the Respondent of the Grievance Statement by certified mail-return receipt, email, and first class mail. On January 16, 2020, counsel for the Respondent requested the Grievance be stayed pending disposition of a related criminal matter and the stay was granted.

On February 17, 2022, the Respondent was notified that the grievance would be proceeding; the Grievance Statement was sent a second time to the Respondent via email and a formal response was requested within 30 days. Respondent failed to file a Response to the Grievance Statement. Pursuant to GCR 3.03(B), the failure to file a response “constitutes an admission of the allegations made by the Grievant and waives the Respondent’s right to a hearing or appeal.”

On April 4, 2022 a recommendation from the Grievance Committee Chair was presented to the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors. The recommendation was to permanently ban Kasandra (Catherine) Niemeier from membership in U.S. Figure Skating beginning on March 19, 2022, the latest date which the Respondent could have filed a response. Under GCR 3.03(B), the Board of Directors concurred making the Grievance Chair’s recommendation final, binding, and unable to be appealed.

Erik Pedersen
In December 2007, U.S. Figure Skating filed a grievance against Erik Pedersen, alleging violations of GR 1.01 (A), GR 1.02 (A), (D) & (E) and GR 1.03. (A) PSA grievance was also filed against Mr. Pederson. A combined U.S. Figure Skating/PSA disciplinary hearing was conducted and the panel concluded that that Mr. Pederson had violated the specified U.S. Figure Skating and PSA rules. The panel concluded that Mr. Pederson be permanently banned from U.S. Figure Skating and PSA membership. No appeal was filed and the hearing panel's decision is final.

Lindsey Sikorski
Sandra Sikorski
On May 13, 2011, a grievance was filed by six members of the Board of Directors for the Wyandotte Figure Skating Club (WFSC) against Lindsey Sikorski, a coach for the club, and her mother, Sandra Sikorski, a previous officer of WFSC. This grievance alleged violations of GR 1.01(A), GR 1.02(A), GR 1.02(C), GR 1.02(F), and GR 1.04. The grievance also alleged violations of the WFSC bylaws, specifically Article 4.1, 4.2, 4.6, 5.13(i), 6.1(j), and 9.5.

Thereafter, on January 12, 2102, a grievance was filed by the chair of the Ethics Committee against Sandra Sikorski. Finally, on January 13, 2012, a grievance was filed by the chair of the Ethics Committee against Lindsey Sikorski. The grievances filed by the chair of the Ethics Committee against both Lindsey Sikorski and Sandra Sikorski allege violations of GR 1.01, GR 1.02, and GR 1.03. The three grievances against Lindsey Sikorski and Sandra Sikorski were combined for hearing.

A Hearing Panel considered documentary evidence and heard testimony on November 28, 2012 and November 29, 2012. On December 18, 2012, a Decision was issued in favor of WFSC and U.S. Figure Skating and against Lindsey Sikorski and Sandra Sikorski. The sanction imposed for the violations found by the Hearing Panel provided that Lindsey Sikorski and Sandra Sikorski be permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

An appeal was filed by both Lindsey Sikorski and Sandra Sikorski. The Appellate Panel upheld the findings of the original hearing panel. This matter is now final and both Lindsey and Sandra Sikorski are permanently banned from membership.

Rachel Snukis
On April 29, 2019, the Body Zone FSC, by its vice president, submitted a Grievance Statement against Rachel Snukis, alleging violations of GR 1.01(A) and GR 1.02(A) & (D). On May 10, 2019, the Grievance Chair served notice of the Grievance Statement on Ms. Snukis by certified mail, email & first class mail and requested a written response within 30 days of receipt of the notice. Rachel Snukis did not respond to the Grievance Statement. Under GCR 3.03(B), the Respondent’s failure to file a response constitutes an admission of the allegations made against her and waived her right to a hearing or an appeal. After such admission of violations of GR 1.01 and 1.02, the Grievance Chair found a violation of the General Rules of U.S. Figure Skating and recommended appropriate relief to the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors and sought their agreement. At its regularly scheduled meeting held on September 9, 2019, the Board of Directors concurred in the findings and recommended relief against Ms. Snukis, which relief is now final, binding and may not be appealed. Accordingly, Rachel Snukis is permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

Genrikh Sretenski
On September 3, 2011, a Grievance Statement was filed by MG, a minor, against Genrikh Sretenski, alleging a violation of the General Rules, specifically GR 1.01, GR 1.02(A), (C), and (F), and GR 1.03. Criminal charges were brought against Mr. Sretenski and on September 17, 2012, the Eastern Vice President suspended the membership of Mr. Sretenski. The matter was stayed pending completion of the criminal and concurrent civil process. With the advent of the USOC Center for SafeSport, U.S. Figure Skating notified the Center of this pending matter. The Center for SafeSport notified U.S. Figure Skating that U.S. Figure Skating should continue to exercise its jurisdiction over this matter. On August 16, 2017, the Stay was lifted, with a Reply due on Monday, September 18, 2017. No Reply was received from Mr. Sretenski.

Pursuant to GCR 3.03 (B), a failure to file a Reply constitutes an admission of the allegations made by the Grievant and waives the Respondent's right to a hearing or appeal. The Grievance Committee Chair will thereafter recommend appropriate relief to the Board of Directors and seek their agreement. If the Board concurs, the Grievance Committee Chair's decision is final, binding, and may not be appealed under the Bylaws and Rules of U.S. Figure Skating.

It is the Recommendation of the Chair of the Grievance Committee that Genrikh Sretenski be permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating. The Board of Directors issued a Resolution adopting the Recommendation of the Chair of the Grievance Committee. The prior suspension of Genrikh Sretenski is terminated and Genrikh Sretenski is permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating

Regina Sumpter
On February 14, 2014, U.S. Figure Skating received a Grievance Statement filed by the president of the Thoroughbred Figure Skating Club, Susan D. Manning, on behalf of the board of the Thoroughbred Figure Skating Club and against Regina Sumpter. The Grievance Statement alleges a violation of GR 1.01, 1.02(A), 1.04 and Article XXV, Section 1(B), as well as the Thoroughbred FSC Bylaws Article IV, Section 4.1, Article VII, Section 7.5, Article IX, Section 9.1, and Article XIII.

The Midwestern Vice President immediately suspended the membership of Regina Sumpter. No response to the Grievance Statement was filed. Pursuant to GCR 3.03(B), a failure to file a response constitutes an admission of the allegations made by the Grievant and waives the Respondent's right to a hearing or appeal. The chair of the Grievance Committee recommended appropriate relief to the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors and sought their agreement.

The chair of the Grievance Committee, with concurrence of the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors, found a violation of the General Rules and Bylaws of the Thoroughbred Figure Skating Club. Based upon these findings, Regina Sumpter is permanently banned from Membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

Richard Thomas
On February 20, 2015, the Chair of the Ethics Committee filed a Grievance Statement against Richard Thomas, alleging violations of the General Rules of U.S. Figure Skating. On April 1, 2015, a Stipulated Resolution was entered into between Mr. Thomas and U.S. Figure Skating. The Stipulated Resolution imposed certain conditions on Mr. Thomas and provided that if Mr. Thomas violated the terms of the Stipulated Resolution, he would be permanently banned from U.S. Figure Skating. Subsequently, the Chair of the Grievance Committee, with the concurrence of U.S. Figure Skating's Board of Directors, found that Mr. Thomas violated the Stipulated Resolution and based upon these findings, Richard Thomas is permanently banned from Membership in U.S. Figure Skating.

Laurie Van Den Bosch
In June 2009 a grievance was filed by the Orange County Figure Skating Club against Laurie Van Den Bosch, the club's former treasurer. The grievance alleged violations of GR 1.01 and GR 1.04 and Article 8 of the club's bylaws. Ms. Van Den Bosch was notified of the grievance filing and did not respond. In accordance with U.S. Figure Skating bylaws and Grievance Committee rules, a hearing panel was appointed and a hearing was held on December 7, 2009. Ms. Van Den Bosch did not participate. The panel made factual findings and concluded that Ms. Van Den Bosch had violated GR1.01 (Code of Ethics) and GR 1.02 (Code of Conduct). The hearing panel ruled that Ms. Van Den Bosch be permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating. The panel allowed that this ban not go into effect for one calendar year, thus giving Ms. Van Den Bosch a window to appeal. The committee has not heard from Ms. Van Den Bosch and no appeal was filed. This decision is now final.

Renee Velasquez
On May 9, 2013, a Grievance Statement was filed, File No. 2013-04, by Jaclyn Ward Vargo, chair of the Ethics Committee, on behalf of U.S. Figure Skating as Grievant against Renee Velasquez. The grievance alleged violations of the U.S. Figure Skating Harassment Policy, GR 1.01 and GR 1.03. A Reply to the Grievance Statement was filed by the Respondent Renee Velazquez dated June 4, 2013. Renee Velasquez was suspended from membership in U.S. Figure Skating on May 9, 2013.

The Hearing Panel considered documentary evidence and heard testimony on July 15, 2013. On July 22, 2013, a Statement of Decision was issued in favor of U.S. Figure Skating and against Renee Velasquez. The sanction imposed for the violations found by the Hearing Panel provided that Renee Velasquez be permanently banned from U.S. Figure Skating.

No appeal was taken from the decision of the Hearing Panel and therefore the decision of the Hearing Panel is now final.

Donald Vincent
In January of 2013 a grievance was filed by U.S. Figure Skating against Donald (D.J.) Vincent alleging violations of GR 1.01, GR 1.02, GR 1.03 and GR1.04. U.S. Figure Skating suspended his membership at that time. This filing was made per U.S. Figure Skating bylaw XXIV (3) (b) and rules ECR 2.02 and ECR 3.00. A similar grievance was also filed by PSA. Pursuant to GCR 3.02 (E) these grievances were joined. In January of 2013, Vincent was arrested by the Los Angeles County Sheriff on multiple charges. In January of 2014 he was found guilty by the Los Angeles Superior Court on 10 felony counts. Vincent did not respond to the allegations within thirty (30) days as provided for in ECR 3.08. ECR 3.08 (B) provides that such failure is deemed an admission of allegations made by the grievant. ECR 3.08 further provides that under such circumstances Vincent waived his rights to a hearing or appeal and that the chair of the Grievance Committee has, with concurrence of the Board of Directors and PSA, determined that Vincent violated GR1.01, GR 1.02, GR 1.03 and GR 1.04 based on the court's finding and is, therefore, permanently banned from membership in U.S. Figure Skating and the PSA.

Robert Young - lifetime ban effective July 2002.

Persons Suspended from U.S. Figure Skating

Roy Cofer
Suspended indefinitely in June 2005. The hearing panel imposed a conditional suspension. The conditions were not met and he remains suspended.

Ryan Devereaux
On July 11, 2024, U.S. Figure Skating filed a Grievance Statement against Ryan Devereaux, then a member of U.S. Figure Skating.  U.S. Figure Skating alleged that Mr. Devereaux had violated rules GR 1.02(A), GR 1.02(D), GR 1.02(G) – Code of Conduct and Section IV, Part 4 of U.S. Figure Skating’s SkateSafe Handbook.

On November 18, 2024, the Chair of the Grievance Committee, on behalf of U.S. Figure Skating, and Mr. Devereaux voluntarily entered into a Stipulated Resolution regarding the allegations. As a consequence, Mr. Devereaux’s membership in U.S. Figure Skating shall be suspended for six (6) months starting, May 21, 2024. The Suspension Period shall be followed by two (2) years of Probation, with terms, from November 21, 2024 through November 21, 2026.

Daniel Gray
Suspended indefinitely in March 2003. The hearing panel imposed a conditional three year suspension. The conditions were not met and he remains suspended.

Thomas Hickey
On January 4, 2023, the Director, SkateSafe®, on behalf of U.S. Figure Skating, filed a Grievance Statement against Thomas Hickey, then a member of the Shattuck – St. Mary’s Figure Skating Club. The Director, SkateSafe® alleged that Mr. Hickey had violated rules GR 1.01(A) – Code of Ethics and GR 1.02(A), GR 1.02(E) – Code of Conduct. On June 20, 2023 the Chair of the Grievance Committee, on behalf of U.S. Figure Skating, and Mr. Hickey, through his independent counsel, voluntarily entered into a Stipulated Resolution for the allegations. As a consequence, Mr. Hickey’s membership in U.S. Figure Skating shall be suspended for one (1) year starting, July 1, 2023, coupled with the requirement that Mr. Hickey complete specified continuing education courses, after the expiration of the one (1) year suspension. The Suspension Period shall be followed by one (1) year of “Probation” from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Dr. David Lee
On June 10, 2019, the Chair of the Ethics Committee, on behalf of U.S. Figure Skating, filed a Grievance Statement against Dr. David Lee, then a member of the Skating Club of Houston. The Ethics Chair alleged that Dr. Lee had violated GR 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03. On June 11, 2019, the Grievance Chair duly served notice of the Grievance Statement on Dr. Lee and requested a written Response within 30 days of receipt of the notice. Dr. Lee did not respond to the Grievance Statement. Under GCR 3.03(B), Dr. Lee’s failure to file a Response constitutes an admission of the allegations made against him and waived his right to a hearing or an appeal. After such admission of violations of GR 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03, the Grievance Chair recommended appropriate relief to the U.S. Figure Skating Board of Directors and sought their agreement to the recommendation. At its regularly scheduled meeting held on August 5, 2019, the Board of Directors officially concurred in the recommended relief against Dr. Lee, which relief is now final, binding and may not be appealed. Accordingly, Dr. David Lee is suspended from membership in U.S. Figure Skating for a period of three (3) years starting August 5, 2019, coupled with the requirement that he complete SafeSport education and an anger management class before he is permitted to renew his membership in U.S. Figure Skating in the future, after expiration of the three-year suspension.

Amy L. McCann
Suspended until October 6, 2018. After that date, should McCann rejoin there would be restrictions.

Tricia Rubacky
In August 2008, a grievance was filed against Tricia Rubacky under U.S. Figure Skating bylaw [then] Article XXV, Sec 3(a), alleging violations of GR 1.01 and GR 1.02. In accordance with U.S. Figure Skating Bylaws and Grievance Committee Rules, a hearing panel was appointed and a hearing was held on February 23, 2009. The panel made factual findings and concluded that Ms. Rubacky violated GR 1.01 (Code of Ethics) and GR 1.02 (Code of Conduct). As a consequence, the hearing panel recommended that Ms. Rubacky be indefinitely banned from competing in any and all competitive events sanctioned by U.S. Figure Skating from this date forward until specific conditions are completed and verified to the U.S. Figure Skating. An appeal was not filed and this decision is now final.